Our wallpaper designs can be customized to your specific color palette, you pick the colors and we'll make them work! For a quote & additional details email hello@radfordgraphics.com today.
First, determine the square feet of each of the walls you want to DesignyourWallpaper.com. Measure the width and height of the wall then multiply those two numbers to give you the square feet. We recommend adding 15-20% to this number. Now divide your square feet number by 33.75 (all of our rolls are 33.75 square feet) to give you the number of rolls you need to order.
For example if you have a wall that is 10 feet wide by 9 feet tall the calculation would be:
9 x 10 = 90 square feet
90 + 20% = 108 square feet
108/33.75 = 3.2 or 4 rolls
Now that you know how much wallpaper you need you can pick your design, paper and sample or roll quantity by clicking on "Shop By" below to sort & view all of the Wallpapers.com Wallpaper collections. Email hello@radfordgraphics.com to help with size & quantity on back-splash orders.
Unsure if you want DesignyourWallpaper.com Wallpaper or Removable Wallpaper? No problem, click HERE to learn the difference and decide which suits your needs best.
If you still have questions please email hello@radfordgraphics.com before placing your order. Be sure to include the width and height of each wall you want to Wallpapers.com.